10 Tips To Help Mentally Prepare For a Baby
Pregnancy is one of those things that is hard to describe until you’ve been through it yourself, especially since the experience is unique for every mama. Pregnancy is a miraculous and monumental occasion. (Is there really a human growing in there!?) Over the span of nine months so much changes as your baby grows and motherly instincts take full force as you wait to meet your precious little one. Here are ten things to help you mentally prepare for baby’s arrival:
1. Don’t let the baby market get to you. The baby industry is a massive alluring force with millions of items they insist you need. However, the truth is that every baby comes with their own preferences. Some local stores or friends may even let you trial some items to see if your baby likes them (i.e. carriers and swings).
2. Get ready for opinions galore. Take all pregnancy advice with a grain of salt. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but there are SO many theories nowadays about having a healthy pregnancy (especially with internet always at our fingertips) so remember to go with what feels right for you.
3. Avoid self-diagnosis. Chances are no good will come from getting stuck on health forums where you start to worry about everything that could go wrong. Sometimes it’s better to just consult your doctor (or a trusted online source) to avoid information overload and anxiety.
4. Educate yourself. By finding useful books and online resources, knowing what to expect when you start your pregnancy journey can give you the upper hand and help you feel confident.
5. Embrace your new preggo bod. You’re growing a human! You’re body is amazing! Embrace your new curves and belly! Enjoy carrying your growing baby. Soon he or she will be earthside!
6. Learn to be flexible. Everyone experiences pregnancy differently so don’t let any horror stories scare you or happy stories make you feel inadequate.
7. Stay active while you are pregnant. You will be able to manage pregnancy better if you are making healthy choices (food, hydration, exercise, sleep). Taking care of you is critical before and throughout pregnancy.
8. Value the importance of “me” time. Comfort and relaxation will soon be in short supply. Do what you enjoy and don’t feel guilty about that candle lit bubble bath!
9. Get used to asking for help. When it comes to pregnancy and child-rearing, it truly does take a tribe. (Need support? Look here!). Learn to ask for help now and it will be that much easier when baby comes.
10. Remember to enjoy it! Pregnancy will be over before you know it and you’ll be onto the next chapter. Enjoy all the preparation and surprise.
Life is never be the same once you are pregnant and a baby is on the way. You’ll find that it’s relatively easy to adapt as your life is turned upside down and you transition to the rewarding life of being a mom.